Refuge habitat for the brush-tailed rock-wallaby

Aroona Station features around 200 hectares of core habitat for the vulnerable brush-tailed rock-wallaby.

 In 2020, as part of our ongoing research into these unique Aroona residents, we completed our third year of breeding season monitoring programs using motion-sensitive wildlife cameras strategically positioned in known brush-tailed rock-wallaby hang outs.

The monitoring program again showed Aroona Station’s three rock-wallaby colonies are healthy and breeding, safe and protected amongst the dense rainforest gullies, open eucalypt forests and rocky outcrops found on the property.

In 2021, QTFN will partner with the University of Queensland to extend this research to survey and map the distribution of brush-tailed rock-wallaby and spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus maculatus) on a regional scale.

The project, supported by a Queensland Government Community Sustainability Action grant, will be carried out across at least five locations within Main Range and Little Liverpool Range including Aroona Station.

