Increased biodiversity in Queensland
  • Responsible Investment

    Environmentally responsible investment is accepted as core.

  • True Co-existence

    True co-existence with nature is understood and valued.

  • Significant Ecological Corridors

    Significant ecological corridors reconnect across the State's landscape and bioregions.

  • Primary Production

    Biodiversity and natural capital accounting are integrated into primary production as part of holistic landscape management.

  • Sustainable Land Management

    Sustainable land management is a valued specialist skill and career, with new jobs and sector created.

  • First Nations People

    The capacity of First Nations people is recognised and traditional methods of land management are adopted in general practice.

  • Landholder Incomes

    Landholders understand (and are benefiting from) the value and bottom line returns from biodiversity.

  • Connection to Nature

    Queenslanders are actively engaged, share their increased knowledge with others across the world, and are reaping the cultural and societal benefits of their connection to nature.

  • Sustainable Entrepreneurs

    A new generation of sustainable environmental entrepreneurs and professionals are developed.

  • Carbon Balance

    There is a positive carbon impact with our soils and trees acting as a globally significant carbon sink.


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