Measuring impact over the long-term

QTFN’s trial roll out of the award-winning Accounting for Nature® Framework at Koala Crossing provided an initial Environmental Condition Index (EcondTM) score/s for the property in 2020.

A score between 0 and 100 that describes the condition of the asset relative to its undegraded state, early estimates of the the Econd™ for Koala Crossing point to strong improvements in the condition of native vegetation (40 to 70), native mammals (40 to 60) and importantly, the koala (68 to 82) in the five years QTFN has been managing the property.

The next step is for QTFN to register the project on the Accounting for Nature® public registry and seek third party verification and certification.

The Accounting for Nature® Framework and EcondTM reporting is being rolled out to other QTFN properties in the future, starting with Aroona Station.

